Hindsight sucks!

“No regrets.” Words to live by, especially if you’re making hard decisions. You can spend the rest of your live looking back and saying “If only…” or “I should have…” Why? I refuse to beat myself up over choices I made, that I thought were the best at the time.

You know, don’t shoot that guy in the face, no matter how much they deserve it. Good decision. She’s hot but crazy, I can take a little crazy. Bad decision.

There are a lot of things I regret all the same. I missed a lot of my daughters growing up, personal and career choices made at the time. I would be lying if I said that I could have lived with their mother. We did the best we could and worked out a way to care for them apart. Still, no regrets.

Daily writing prompt
Do you have a quote you live your life by or think of often?

A little too Rennaissance?

Any topic will do, really. I am interested in just about anything, except gossip. Can’t stand it. Little minds that pick apart people and issues that aren’t any of their concern. Line ’em up. I’ll get the guns.

Right now, I’m studying politics, economy, sociology and critical thinking. I’ll rip through a few dozen books, get lost in papers and journals and come out with a pretty solid idea of what I believe and why. I’ve studied just about everything at one time or another.

Playing sports, not watching. I’m down to golf for something I can play. Books, Sci-fi, fantasy, some biography, travel (I’m working on Asia right now), poetry, writing… really, anything. Science and physics.

Try me. Let’s have a discussion.

Daily writing prompt
What topics do you like to discuss?

Not much, but.

New relationships. After nearly six decades of poor decisions and bad relationships I am so afraid I’ll screw up, again. I guess there are mitigating reasons for some of it, but it really comes down to me ignoring warning signs and believing in our better angels. The conflict within me is over the flutter of a new infatuation (love?) and fear of another disaster.

I think the problem is that I’m really oblivious to hints. It doesn’t matter if it’s flirting or passive aggressive behaviors, I don’t pick it up. It’s been a problem.

Daily writing prompt
What makes you nervous?

ADHD and word salad

That’s it. Since I started writing this morning, I’ve thought about my past career, golf, why my brain hates me so much, golf and missing people I used to work with. Word salad. Faster than I can type word salad. Should I call Bella Vista and see if I can get a tee time for tomorrow? Where was I?

Daily writing prompt
Jot down the first thing that comes to your mind.

I can’t complain anymore.

When I went through the Police Academy, this grumpy old cop was fond of reminding us that you don’t get called because someone is having a good day. It took a couple of years to understand that deep down, but I got the message eventually. I didn’t expect anyone to be happy to see me when I pulled up.

I was working by myself on a Sunday morning on the east side of the district. That’s only remarkable, because I was senior enough that I had my own car and steady assignment on the west side. I never stopped moving. My record was 21 minutes from roll call to a felony arrest, aggravated assault with a weapon. Sunday is when you get a cup of coffee and park up to read the newspaper. So, to the relief of my squad, I had parked under a tree by a basketball court. I was starting to get bored when a call came in, “Meet complainant at 1100 Jefferson”.

I pulled up to a church parking lot, figured it would be a report of someone’s car being broken into. I was met by an attractive woman in a Sunday going to meeting hat, that would have made Dr Suess proud and Bartholemew Cubbins despair. I had seen her walking to church earlier, but that didn’t register just then. So, I go strolling up trying to put on a smile that doesn’t make me look crazy. “Good morning, Ma’am. Did you call for police?”

“Good morning officer. I told them it wasn’t important, but I’m glad you’re here. I just wanted you to know that. A lot of us are really glad you and the others are here.”

“Thank you. It’s nice to be appreciated.” It kind of threw me for a second. I almost had an emotion. “What can I do for you?”

“Nothing.” She flashed one of those smiles that means she got just what she wanted, big and bold. “I just wanted you to know we see you out there everyday. At least some of us appreciate you.”

She had called just because she was having a good day and wanted me to know. It wasn’t the first time or the last that someone thanked me. It was the only time that I was dispatched, just so someone could do it. So, I can’t complain anymore that we are never called because someone is having a good day.

Daily writing prompt
Describe a random encounter with a stranger that stuck out positively to you.

Letting go.

It’s like stepping off of a cliff or jumping out of an airplane, one second you’re safe and secure in what you’re used to, the next you fall. It’s the exhilaration of falling, out of control and accelerating towards whatever destination is beyond. Relax into it. Let the wind rush past you, telling you how fast you are moving now. Arch your back, throw your arms wide, yell, laugh, live!

I’ve been tinkering with myself for a long time now, just trying to be a better person. It started when I was in my early 20’s and I let go of all the anger and resentment I had for my family and those I thought had neglected and abused me for most of my life. I felt lighter. Over the years, I’ve managed to trim a good bit of weight, mostly it was the pain of living a hard life and the loss of so many friends along the way.

That’s it. I’ve just let go.

Daily writing prompt
Describe one positive change you have made in your life.

Children – The best and worst.

OK, so not really pets, but you have to admit they are pretty close to animals in the beginning. If you disagree, I have one word.

Boys! A horrible cross between intelligent primate and a force of destruction. They’re like having a Saint Bernard with ADD. Being the youngest of five brothers, I learned from the best. If you can keep them clean and fed, call it a success and pray for adulthood.

Girls are like cats. Cute, loveable and deceptively dangerous. All you know is that you did something wrong, and no one is going to tell you what. You want to pet them and love them, but don’t take it too far.

The warnings aside, they are the best. Watching a human evolve from the chaos is the greatest blessing I have ever had. Hopefully, someday, they will look back and appreciate how much effort went into raising them. And, they will probably end up picking my nursing home.

Daily writing prompt
What animals make the best/worst pets?

Nothing is free.

There’s a story about Abraham Lincoln stopping on the side of the road to free a pig stuck in the mud. When his companion asked why he did it, he said he wasn’t being altruistic, he did it for himself. He didn’t want to hear the pig screaming for help all the way home.

There is always a price or payment. I’m not saying it’s a bad thing, there are plenty of things that I’ve done, not for a paycheck, but personal satisfaction. To stop the sound of pigs squealing in my head. Probably because I think too much, always have. I realized that I have debts to the people who helped me along the way. So, I pay it forward. Helping where I can.

Some things just take money, either taking or paying. A paycheck is just part of the cost. What we are selling our time and effort for. I think I would rather invest in the future. Take my pay in kind. I’ll teach, mentor, give some kid a car for his first job. I guess the job I’ll do for free is just what was done for me. But like I said nothing is free. I’ll pass the cost on to the next generation; some lucky kid will pick up the tab. Maybe he’ll resent the cost.

I’ll just keep digging pigs out of the mud for free.

Daily writing prompt
What job would you do for free?

Nadia’s Theme

I am a child of the 70’s. I remember watching Seattle Slew and Secretariat. The Apolo Launches. The Bi-centennial, Nixon, Ford, Carter and the mess our economy was in. The Cold War. Duck and cover air-raid drills. The OPEC oil crisis. I also remember the Olympics. Our best against the world’s best athletes. There was talk about boycotting the whole thing and crush the dreams of so many.

Then there was Nadia Comaneci. The first ever Olympic gymnast to receive perfect score at the Montreal Olympics. I watched those performances on a 13-inch black and white television. I remember that there were comments about the Russian judges pressuring the other judges to deliver those scores. I remember being excited by the way she seemed to bubble and glow, the joy on her face as she went through her routines. She was amazing. The music for her floor performance, Nadia’s theme.

Maybe it’s a hangover from the 1976 Olympics. I still love watching the gymnasts do the impossible. Simone flying through the air, defying gravity. Mary Lou bouncing along with a smile that barely fit her face. It’s the gymnastics that catch the eye.

Daily writing prompt
What Olympic sports do you enjoy watching the most?

Arm everyone!

Yup. I said it. Give everyone a gun. I understand that there are people who don’t want them; will never use one. There are even people who think guns are evil, that there is no reason to take a life, nothing is worth someone’s life. I disagree. My family is worth it, so is yours. I’m not advocating wild gunfights in the streets or rampaging violence. I just think everyone should have the means and opportunity to protect themselves.

I was a cop. I know how long it takes for the police to respond. I also know that there are times when you don’t have time to call 911. You do have time to protect yourself. You can say things aren’t that bad but, the news doesn’t report all the crimes that occur every day. Five hundred homicides a year is bad, but it doesn’t talk about the thousands of aggravated assaults, people shot, stabbed, beaten, raped and left where they fell.

Criminals, by definition don’t care about the law or you, your family, that you work hard to provide for your family. The legal system is being degraded to the point of uselessness. Murderers are being released without bail and often commit more aggravated assaults or murders before they go to trial for the first offense. Soros District Attorneys are offering plea deals, reduced sentence for offenders so they can be released back into society sooner. It doesn’t matter how many times the police arrest a suspect, if the DA doesn’t prosecute and the jails don’t hold them, it’s wasted effort.

So, arm everyone. Defend yourselves and your families. If you don’t think it is worth a human life to defend what you’ve worked for, don’t. But if criminals knew that every adult had a way to defend themselves and their families, they would be a lot more circumspect in their actions. Look it up on Youtube, people pissed off that someone shot and killed an armed robber or car-jacker. Look up the interviews with inmates about how they choose their victims. An armed society is a polite society.

Daily writing prompt
How would you improve your community?